In September I announced that I was pregnant, after several months of trying to conceive. We were ecstatic, and looking forward to our future as parents, as a family. I found out very early, before I was even late for my period. Since I have a history of recurrent pregnancy loss, we nervously waited before announcing it to our loved ones (and the world). Unfortunately, we should've waited a little longer.
We were at the end of what would be my fifth week of pregnancy before I started cramping, and then spotting. Within a few days of that, I started bleeding heavily. My fiance' rushed me to the emergency room, where I was given an ultrasound, and my blood was drawn. At the time, my HCG betas were at around 500, but the ultrasound couldn't find anything. I was diagnosed with a PUL (pregnancy of unknown location) and threatened miscarriage, but was told to come back in 48 hours to test my HCG levels again. As suspected, by the second blood drawing, my HCG levels had dropped to around 100. I was miscarrying.
What followed were several weeks of bleeding and passing my pregnancy. This miscarriage was more painful and more long-lasting than the one I experience in 2022. I'm fortunate to have a partner who is concerned about my health and comfort, and who is also hands-on with caring for me during what was a traumatic time for both of us. Now we're back on the TTC bandwagon and trying again, armed with knowledge of what may have contributed to the pregnancy loss in September, as well as what might have prevented me from getting pregnant so many other times. We're hopeful for the future of our family!
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