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What Happened to Omnia Ferox Design on Etsy?

 For a handful of years I operated a moderately successful Etsy store selling my artwork and jewelry creations, but now when you try to visit my once-popular Etsy store, it's no more. What's worse: What used to be five stars, is now only one. It's heartbreaking to see from my end, and probably a little troubling to see by those who have shopped with me before. Well, here's what happened: In 2023, I left my husband due to reasons surrounding abuse and general unhappiness. When I left, I left with nothing and had to relocated to a seedy weekly motel until I could figure my life out. I couldn't focus on my store, and I unwittingly neglected to ship out an order. I did issue a refund, and closed my store down promptly after discovering that a customer was unhappy, but when I closed down the store what was left in its place was a one-star review replacing the dozens of positive ones.  It's a shame that it came to this, but it doesn't mean that I won't try aga
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Thanks for stopping by (Again)

If you've visited this site in the past you might remember it as an artist portfolio site and gallery. Well, things are going to be changing around here a little -- and for the better! I've decided to turn this domain into my personal blog as well as a place to show off my artistic creations. Art is incredibly personal to me, and so it makes sense for this former-gallery to evolve into a personal blog from the heart. Hopefully you appreciate this look into my life and various creative projects that I get into to occupy my spare time!